Thursday 2 January 2014

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The Difference Between Promotional and Engaging [Infographic]

Digital communications revolve around establishing engaging interactions with your audience. Yet many small businesses still send out non-engaging, sales oriented messages in a world where two-way conversations are encouraged. We have attempted to highlight the difference between promotional and engaging ways of interacting with your audience in the digital realm by visually pointing out the contrast of the two approaches. 

Perhaps Gail Goodman (marketing engagement expert) explained it the best with the statement below:
A simple but powerful idea: When you connect with your customers online, you stop speaking to your customers and start talking with them... and then wonderful things begin to happen.

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By no means is this a complete list of differences between promotional and engaging interactions - we would love to hear what you think some of the differences are between the two. Let us know in the comment section below!


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