Monday 11 February 2013

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Opening of the Brand Lounge

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The fast paced, ever changing world of the internet. It has introduced countless opportunities for both personal and business use, and still those opportunities keep changing and evolving as conventions of communicating and interacting with one another are guided by US - the user, social nomad. But how does this influence businesses? Entrepreneurs looking to develop their own ideas?

If you have not yet attempted to create a presence online - at the very least you are exploring options (affordable options if you are  a small organization) for getting your brand online. What you should know is that strategies or tactics that worked a couple of years ago may not be relevant anymore. You have to be agile, learn from not only expert but your own community - listen to what they have to say and keep up with instant means of engagement.

This is precisely what this blog will be about – a way to stay on top of the latest trends, and connect with like minded people. Some topics you can expect to see here include:

The lounge will also serve for my own learning by sharing posts from guest bloggers, reference leaders in the marketing industry and draw from real examples that have shown the best ways in which to build an online community. You can be surprised how much can be learned by interacting with others.

So whether you are looking for help to start your online journey, read some great content or connect with fellow digital nomads such as yourself make sure you bookmark this page. Contact us to share your awesome ideas.

The branding lounge serves to chill us out online – to give you that spare leisure time to read about the things you are passionate about, and who knows it might just help you improve your digital marketing efforts. An online place to hang out, wherever you may be located. We do everything else online – why not lounge around.

Welcome and I truly look forward to chilling out with you.

- N.R.


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